Нащокинский переулок 6

Элитный дом в Нащокинском переулке 6. Доходный дом Лазаревых

ID 1918
Building type Pre-revolutionary
Floors 6
Architectural type Russkiy klassitsizm
Building name Dohodniy dom Lazarevih
Building stage Sobstvennost
Wall kirpich
Security domofon
Parking Nazemnaya ohranyaemaya
Entrance Chisto
Number of apartments 19

About the house in Nashchokinsky lane, 6

The six - storey apartment building was built in Nashchokinsky Lane in 1911 . The project belonged to the architect M.M. Cherkasov. The strict laconic facade has almost no decorations. The first two floors on the basement are rusticated and, as it were, continue the decor of the nearby mansion No. 4. At the end of the XIX century. the property belonged to the family of Bogorodsky merchants Lazarev, and in 1914 and before the revolution to S.D. Sinelnikov.
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