Подсосенский переулок 14с1

Элитный дом в Подсосенском переулке 14с1.

ID 2620
Building type Pre-revolutionary
Floors 5
Architectural type Any
Building stage lyuboe
Wall Brick
Security any
Parking any
Entrance Clean
Number of apartments 24

About the house in Podsosensky lane,14c1

The apartment house of Skugarevsky (S. F. Mosolov) is a declared object of cultural heritage, a building built in 1910, architect - Viktor Mazyrin. The author of Arseniy Morozov's mansion built this house according to his standard project (a similar building was erected on Mashkova Street, 17). The facade is completely covered with ceramic tiles (kabanchik) and is divided by marsh-colored blades into central and lateral parts. The finishing central and side parts of the attic house are made in Gothic forms, combined with the fences of three metal balconies decorated in the Art Nouveau style. Despite the external simplicity, the apartment building has a memorable stylistic appearance. In the 2000s, the reconstruction of the building was carried out, as a result of which its appearance was somewhat changed: additional doors were pierced on the ground floor, turrets were crowned with spires, the pattern of window sashes was changed. The house is residential, the School of Architecture and Design is located in part of the building from the courtyard. In the right part of the house there is a passage arch, on the same side a typical nine-storey brick residential building (No. 12, p. 1) is attached to the building.
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