Трёхпрудный переулок 11/13с1

Элитный дом в Трёхпрудном переулке 11/13с1. Волоцкие Дома

ID 202
Building type Pre-revolutionary
Floors 6
Architectural type Russian classisizm
Building name Volotskie Doma
Building stage Sobstvennost
Wall Brick
Security concierge
Parking Street guarded
Entrance clean

About the house in Trekhprudny lane,11/13c1

The famous architectural ensemble "Volotsky houses". Five minutes from the Patriarch's Ponds, quiet, green. Fenced territory, video surveillance system. Round-the-clock security, concierge, intercom. "Volotsky houses" (Trekhprudny Lane, 11 -13) began to be built exactly one hundred years ago — in 1911. The project of the buildings was made by the famous architect Ernest-Richard Karlovich Niernsee by order of the Counts of Volotsky. The first buildings of the house are located on Bolshoy Kozikhinsky Lane, the second part, which began to be built in 1912— is in Trekhprudny. The six-storey building grew in length slowly - for three whole years - from entrance to entrance. According to one version, the customer bought the land here and completed the house gradually — as the money arrived. That is why in these houses all the entrances are not similar to one another, and some apartments are staggered. At the junction of Kozikhinskaya and trekhprudnaya halves there is an entrance, where a staircase running along the perimeter unites apartments that are above or below each other by half a floor.
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